As a parent, we all love to take our kids to magical places so they will have memories to last a lifetime. We may be in one of the most beautiful places in the world, but our children may not be in the best of moods. So, what happens when they are moody and do not appreciate the place, the planning, or the family-time? In our case, it ends in meltdowns (yes, even eight year-olds still have meltdowns) unless we take certain steps to prevent these meltdowns! We have compiled three tips for traveling with moody children, and they are listed below.

First tip: Always bring snacks!! A hangry child never ends well. I always bring extra snacks… Sometimes, I keep some for bribing. For example, if you walk one more mile, you can get some chocolate! SNACKS ALWAYS HELP! If you’re going on a road trip, SNACKS are also our number one tip to bring. Just bring SNACKS everywhere. I even bring them when I pick up the kids to avoid the hangry after-school meltdown.

Second tip: Try to talk to them instead of yell. This is something that I really need to work on!! I often get annoyed and go straight to yelling. But, if I try to walk away and take a mommy time out, I can usually come back with sound mind. Then, I can approach said child with a calm front and discuss their attitude.

Third tip: Let them have space or a break! Let them run through a field, play on a playground, or just sit and think. Emma, our oldest, often likes to take time by herself. Once she comes back, she is usually in a better mood and ready to continue.

Emma at Lake Lucerne - Traveling with Moody Children

What is your favorite tip when dealing with a child’s mood during travel? Thank you so much for wandering along with us!