When I was growing up, I heard a lot about the four inspirational gentlemen who conducted the first counter sit-in for racial equality. These men changed the world and fought for their rights in a peaceful, yet effective way. But, do you know where this occurred?

Well, it happened at the Woolworth Lunch Counter in Greensboro, NC. And, there is now a museum, which is named the International Civil Rights Center & Museum, in the same spot to commemorate this historical protest.

Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-in in Greensboro, NC. Birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement.

A few months ago, I had the honor of touring this museum, and it was such an informative and life-changing experience. I encourage anyone to visit and educate yourself more on this subject if you find yourself in Greensboro.

After the events of this past month, I decided to take the girls, along with my Dad who was visiting, to see the outside of this historic museum, as well as look at some of the street art that has popped up. Our family has spoken recently about racial inequality, and the girls are just distraught at the idea that people are treated differently due to their skin color. They have learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Ruby Bridges and Rose Parks in school, but seeing where it actually began is powerful.

It's not about Black-vs-White, it's about everyone-vs-racism. Greensboro Street Art.

Outside of the museum is a placard that explains that this spot is the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement, and on the date of February 1, 1960, these four students conducted the first lunch counter sit-in. It is truly powerful to see this and be in the midst of greatness. Closer to the street is another placard on the ground showing the four gentlemen’s feet with their last name and the date. You are actually able to stand in their footsteps. Thank you to these amazing men for their bravery and tenacity.

Walking in the shoes of the four students who started the lunch counter sit in. Greensboro, NC outside of the International Civil Rights Center & Museum.

On the 50th anniversary, eight bronze coffee cups were created around Greensboro to commemorate this historic event. Each of these sculptures is placed on a stone pedestal. While walking around, we were able to find some of these and will continue to find the rest.

Coffee Cup celebrating 50th anniversary of the Woolworth's Lunch Counter Sit-in. Greensboro, NC.
Coffee Cup celebrating 50th anniversary of the Woolworth's Lunch Counter Sit-in at the in train station in Greensboro, NC.

Thank you again to these men for starting the fight for racial inequality. To much dismay, it is still continuing. What are you doing to educate yourself more on racial inequality? Thank you for wandering along with us.